Our Motto: "All aBout Christ!" Our Mission: "To Make Disciples of Jesus Christ!" Our Focus for 2025 is "Being a Faithful Watchman" Join us February 23rd for Sunday School at 9:30 am with our Worship service at 10:30 am. We are currently in a new sermon series "Dare to be a Disciple!" We want to thank everyone who participated in the Homegoing Service of our dear brother William "Bill" Lee. All Women are invited to join Mrs. Kathy Frost each Monday morning in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00 am for a great time of fellowship and bible study. The study is open to all women in and outside the Church. Senior Luncheon scheduled for February 25th at Noon. Everyone is welcomed, so bring a dish and someone with you. We will have great food, music, and fellowship. We look forward to a great time together. Deacon's meeting February 26th at 5:30 pm. We wish to welcome our new Youth Leader Jessie Steen and her husband Jamin to our Church and look forward to her work in developing our young people for the glory and service unto our God and Savior. Our youth group is for those in the 6th through the 12th grades. CHECK OUT what is happening at Antioch this Month:
We welcome our newest members: Mr. Bo Stokes, Gregg and Evelyn Outlaw, Brayland Trimnal, Steve and Patty Hinson, Joy Peterson, Teresa Gardner, Jessie and Jamin Pierson, Alvin Brock, Jaden R. Stabler, Mrs. Donna Gardner, Mr. Bubber and Carolyn Hinson, David Dukes, Alan Hinson Jr., Mrs. Iva Baker, Mr. Paul and Mrs. Laurel Hinson, and Mr. Robert Plemons. May God bless them and the work they will do for the Church and Kingdom. Our focus at Antioch is to provide the Holy Spirit the environment to move in the lives of all Visitors, and Disciples as they journey with Jesus. We promote the Word of God as our book of life. We promote a daily walk with Jesus. We want to invite everyone in the Kershaw, Camden, and Sumter area looking for a new church home, or wanting to find a place to worship while passing through to stop by. We are a traditional church in love with Jesus and each other. We are located off Hwy 20 at exit 101, and follow the signs on Hwy 34.